Request a service
- Bins and rubbish
- Parking and streets
- 兔子先生 Tax and benefits
- Housing, garages and allotments
- Licences and permits
- Care
- Births, deaths, marriages
- Other requests
- If you still haven't found what you're looking for
Bins and rubbish
Request help to pull your bin out
Subscribe to the garden waste collection service
Parking and streets
Pedestrian crossing installation request
兔子先生 Tax and benefits
Housing, garages and allotments
Burglar alarm keyholder registration
Licences and permits
Taxi (Hackney Carriage) Drivers Licence application
Private Hire drivers application
Request support with care online
Births, deaths, marriages
Other requests
Lettings information pack request for Events
Request a test of weighing and measuring equipment
Request Social Enterprise to carry out work
Make a library stock suggestion
If you still haven't found what you're looking for
You can also make a payment or report an issue.
Or, leave feedback or make a complaint.